Happy Thanksgiving to those Americans on my flist! I hope your day goes well, and that whether you have turkey, turducken or tofurkey you enjoy your meal. For those of you not celebrating at all, I hope that you have a good day anyway.
I've officially been reamed by the boss at the Library. Fuck you and anything you might be working on, we're going to put you on the desk starting tomorrow at 7:30 am. Until 3 Pm. Not enough time to get the lunch I'm supposed to have, not even enough time to get the half-hour lunch that desk attendants are given. Nope, I'll get ONE 15 minute break
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Complete with a new 500 Gb external drive, and a new wireless router. Partially because merfilly thinks that the power surge that fried the ground-bound part of our current router is also at fault for the blips and blinks we're currently experiencing in the wireless
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I had two alarm clocks set for this morning: the iPod dock clock and my cell phone. The iPod was set for 10 am, and the phone set for when it usually is, at 10:30. The phone stays by the bed, but I have to actively get up and cross the room to turn off the dock because the remote died
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